
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Homemade Straw Rockets

Homemade straw rockets are easy to make and great for fighting the winter blues!  They would also be great for a party!  I helped my daughter give them to her older sister as a homemade Christmas gift.  We made a few for her to use right away and then gave her all the supplies in a box to make her own whenever she wanted! 

All you need is a pencil, a strip of paper any size (I used a 2"by 11"), two squares any size (I used a 2"squares), straw, scissors, and tape.

On the back of the squares draw a diagonal line and then cut on the line to make four triangles.

Fold one edge of the triangle about an 1/4" to make the fins for the rocket.

Take the strip of paper and wrap it down the length of the pencil.  Tape up the whole length of the paper and pull out the pencil.  You should have a tube.  Tape one end of the tube down at an angle forming the nose for the rocket. 

Tape the fins onto the rocket and put the rocket on the straw. 


Blow into the straw and see the rocket fly! 

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